Tag: help with baby crying

Some Staylistening Success Helped my Baby Son Take Naps

A Guest Post By Lisa Tripp My six-month-old son, has had some challenges falling asleep for naps for several months, but the challenges have gotten easier and sleep has gotten more flexible for him as we’ve been using Staylistening. You can find out more about how listening to children cry and staylistening works in this

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How Listening to a Micro-Preemie Helped Relieve Her Fear

By Laura Minnigerode Emma was born so early that she identified as a “Micro-Preemie.” That is, she weighed less than 800 grams and was born before 26 weeks. When I first met her, she was about 9 months old and weighed 15lbs, and she had a lot of fears about being picked up. Her history had included

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