Tag: kristen volk

Using Play to End Sibling Rivalry

I could let my son continue to show me his impulse to interfere with his sister and I didn’t have to yell at him or tell him he was a “bad” kid. I knew there was nothing wrong with my son just because he wasn’t feeling connected and his impulse control was impaired. He needed connection first, before he could have good impulse control.

Power Struggles Over the Car Seat

The power struggle was on full swing. First, she wouldn’t get in her car seat. Then she wouldn’t latch her seatbelt or let me do it. Then after she was latched in, sometimes within 30 seconds she would take her seatbelt apart again.

Helping My Child Through Homework Struggles

The school year started off well for my fourth grade son and homework seemed to be moving along smoothly.  However, by mid-January I started to see a progression of hemming and hawing, procrastination and delay

Helping My Daughter Feel Capable

First I started carrying all 48 lbs. of her in front of me. When that became too much, I shifted her to piggy back. It wasn’t long before that became too much for me. I knew I had to figure out a creative way to help her feel independent and capable but not feel like I was pushing her away. This would be a perfect time for Playlistening.

Helping My Son Sleep Through The Night

My nine year old son usually falls right asleep at night.  This has been such a blessing for me and quite contrary to his younger sister who likes to stay up late. On one particular


Stopping Sibling Rivalry

A playful way to resolve sibling conflict can go a long way toward a happy, cooperative family life.

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