Tag: parenting with calm and confidence

Parenting This Way Saved me from Drowning in Motherhood

I was not prepared for motherhood. Not for the emotional being who was now my responsibility. Not for the craziness, the crying, the fussing, the whinging, the whining, the tantrums and raging meltdowns and not for what they would stir up in me. I’d fought hard to become a mum, to wear that badge and

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Respond To Children’s Hurts In A Way That Builds Confidence

How can you respond to a hurt child calmly, when you feel panicked yourself?  Instructor Emilie Leeks discovers it takes some practice, but the results are easy to see.  “We’d only just left for the shops when our 3-year-old slipped off their scooter. It was quite a tumble, and they were clutching at their legs

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9 Steps to Beat Boredom With Connection [INFOGRAPHIC]

What happens to you when your child announces “I’m bored?” Despite research telling us that boredom is actually good for children – it can help foster creativity and independence – most of us try to rush into a solution when we hear those words. Boredom strikes when children become unstuck in their play. Perhaps they are

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