Tag: Sarah Charlton

Empowering Anxious Students in Class

You have a classroom of kids and plenty to get through, but one, quite clearly has issues with the topic. He or she might withdraw. Maybe they cry. The other children notice and begin to

A Tool That Helps Students Feel Heard

Traditionally in classrooms, teachers talk and children listen. While curriculums are updating to include self-directed learning, children in many classrooms may still feel unheard, and if they have worries or concerns outside of learning –

How Closer Connection Created a Calmer Classroom

I work as a learning assistant in a large comprehensive school supporting children who have a variety of special educational needs. One of the most challenging is an English class with 13 and 14 year

What Playful Limits Look Like at School

Sarah Charlton on Setting Loving Limits  I recently begun working as a learning support assistant in a UK secondary school. The job’s going well but there is one girl that I support who has been

Why Special Time Helps You and Your Tween

This week my 12-year-old son and I took a few days off school. He is recovering from a heavy cold and I took the time off to look after him. I was also hoping to

Special Time Helps a Preteen Open Up

  By Sarah Charlton We had just returned from a big family wedding in another part of the country and even though it had been a really good trip, we hadn’t had a lot of

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