Tag: setting limits on candy

Loving the Candy (Setting Limits at Halloween)

My 7-year-old daughter, M, returned home from trick-or-treating this Halloween with a bag of candy that weighed at least 5 pounds. In past years, she would eat a few pieces of candy Halloween night, we would put the bag up away from the dogs, and then she could choose a piece each night after dinner. She would forget it was there after a couple of nights, and then we’d bring the rest into work for the office candy bowl. It didn’t quite work that way this year though.

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Begging for Halloween Candy: One Awesome Solution

Talks and negotiations for candy and sweet treats in our house reached an all-time high in the weeks following the holidays and I grew weary of the asking, the begging and the whining. One day when my son asked me for “Just one more gelt,” I realized I was sick of rationing. I was done. I

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