Finding Support in an Information Overloaded World – Replay

Being a parent is the most important job you will ever do. It’s a job that constantly calls on you to think, respond, juggle different needs, come up with new ideas, negotiate, listen, and heal past hurts. And much more! It’s also a job that doesn’t come with any training, little support, and no clear way to sift through the barrage of advice and information we get when we have a family.

Whatever your parenting situation, chances are you need more support, and maybe you feel like it’s not there, it’s too hard to ask for, or doesn’t really help anyway….we parents have to be resourceful by necessity, but what if you could cut through the information overload and receive the support you really needed? How would things be different?

Certified Instructors Lyra L’Estrange and Skye Munro of Nurturing Connections created this free parenting call to share their insights into why support for our parenting is so vital, and some ideas about how to get the support that’s really valuable.

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