Five Ways To Finally Overcome Yelling
What can you do in the moment to stop losing it?
As parents, we all want what’s best for our children, but sometimes, and despite our best intentions, we find ourselves getting frustrated and raising our voices.
Yelling at our kids can not only harm our relationship with them but can also affect their well-being. But don’t worry, in today’s Hand in Hand Parent Club podcast, Emily and Kathy give you five ideas to help you avoid yelling and can keep in a responsive communication with your children.
So find a comfortable spot, and get ready to learn some invaluable tips that will help you create a more peaceful and harmonious home environment for you and your family.
Tune In To Hear:
- How to shift away from frustration and anger before you get overwhelmed
- Two strategies you can use to blast away stress in the moment when things get heated -and you can’t get to a listening partner.
- Why involving your other senses can be so helpful when you need to cool down.
- Soothing mantras and reframes you can use to recenter.
And don’t forget to choose one action to practice this week to see real results.
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