Tag: sangam

Listening to Teens Can Get Messy

We were surrounded by foam peanuts. I don’t know how anyone can be oblivious to foam peanuts on the floor, but she was! She was talking happily to me about this, that, and the other, with a big smile on her face, when I felt this really strong urge to take some of those peanuts and throw them at her. So, I picked up a bunch of them in my hand and, in slow motion, with some soft dramatic noises, I slowly inched my way toward her with the foam peanuts.

A Little Listening Cleared Up the Vision

A sweet 9-year-old student whom I tutor came in the other day in a somewhat low-key mood.  He got ready to do the math that I had planned for him.  We were working on calculating

A Little Listening Can Move Mountains

Sometimes we don’t realize the effect we can have on people, simply through our listening (or not listening). I was moved by how a little listening can move mountains.

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