Tag: separation anxiety

Helping a Toddler with Biting

I had cared for one toddler at my day care center throughout his infancy and we had shared many good and close times together.  He began biting other toddlers a few months after he had

A Game to Help Children with Shyness in Groups

Hi Patty, Group settings, especially large group settings, are very difficult for my daughter. I see a little girl who has some real fears of these situations, and it really hurts to see others judging

Wanting Mama

My daughter is 3, and she’s going to pre-school now. My husband and I have recently separated. Ella loves school. She talks about it enthusiastically when she’s at home, and she likes being there, but

What Is Your Child Saying When She Cries?

For the last few weeks my five-year-old hasn’t wanted to play independently. She either wanted to play with a friend or watch a video. We took her to a Hand in Hand Parenting Play Morning

Helping an Adopted Child with Night Waking

We adopted our daughter at birth but due to the state’s adoption laws and her case of jaundice, she was confined to the hospital nursery for 5 days. We had limited access to her during

Carpool Playlistening

Parents got together and came up with a carpool arrangement, then invited one of the Hand in Hand trainers for an education night to learn about Parenting by Connection tools. Some families started doing Special Time and Staylistening at home.

Help Your Child Offload Kindergarten Stress

This was my first experience with Stay Listening and I loved it! No need to say the right thing, counsel, negotiate, or give advice. Being present, listening, and trusting my son’s emotional processing – this felt right!

Healing a Separation Trauma

When your child experiences a traumatic separation, there are simple, practical things you can do to help.

A Teacher Reaches Out

I just told them both that I was there for them and that it was okay to cry.

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