Tag: listening times

late mom with time anxiety

“Hurry up!” Working On My Fears of Being Late

I am almost never late. I have this fear of things going horribly wrong if I am late. Even for the school run, where they’re quite relaxed about lateness, I’m always 20 minutes early. As for classes and social events, I am always desperately worried that I’m going to miss something, and what if that

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How I Turned off My Emotional Alarms (and got some rest)

I have a weekly appointment with a Listening Partner and I know that this scheduled time helps me work deeply on topics that feel heavy to me in my family life. But it happens quite regularly that during a week various different situations might awaken strong feelings and I feel a great amount of parenting stress.

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Who’s Listening To You Over the Holidays?

A pair of Listening Partners, we’ll call them Emma and Carol, had been living 2500 miles on opposite coasts for several years now. Carol finds her middle child, Cammy, deeply challenging. During Carol’s last two months of pregnancy and the first few months of Cammy’s life, their family was suddenly without a place to live—a

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This is What It Sounds Like When Moms Cry

    It was Friday, the last working day in a long week and frustrating things just kept happening. Some were to do with my family – like my son refusing to do his homework and some were to do with me – like not being able to publish my articles sooner. The need to cry and release

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Listening Time Clears My Mind

I was going through a particularly stressful time. I wasn’t sleeping well, and often felt impatient with my kids, and not available enough for them. I had a consultation with a Hand in Hand consultant: in it, she helped me connect back to a memory of time when I felt very afraid as a child.

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