Tag: support for parents

How I Turned off My Emotional Alarms (and got some rest)

I have a weekly appointment with a Listening Partner and I know that this scheduled time helps me work deeply on topics that feel heavy to me in my family life. But it happens quite regularly that during a week various different situations might awaken strong feelings and I feel a great amount of parenting stress.

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10 Tips For Being A Good Listener

When we were young there was little understanding of the importance of listening to children with warmth and patience, so our parents couldn’t give us a model of how to do this. Our unheard feelings from our own childhood get triggered in challenging moments with our children.

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Good Strategies and Support Help Keep the Connection Strong

My Sunday started in the usual way with some gentle time snuggling with my two children as we woke up. It was all fine until breakfast when the warm connection started to unravel. My son wanted scrambled eggs, my daughter cereal. “That’s ok,” I thought, easy to do. Until my daughter had her breakfast in

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Finding balance in my parenting

a guest post by Skye Munro Being a parent is complex work. Figuring out how you want to raise your children is hard enough, then having to rethink those ideals when you realise it’s not all going to plan can send you spinning. Before having children I knew I wanted to be a “fun mom.”

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Five Minutes of Listening Turned My Day Around

The other morning I woke up feeling low. I have a problem with the circulation in my legs, and the pain had been bothering me a lot recently. I tended to numb my feelings, eating chocolate, or having some caffeine, but I didn’t like the side effect of feeling edgy and finding it hard to

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Every Child Has Feelings About Mummy Leaving

David and his mum came recently to a Parenting by Connection class series I taught, which included two Play Events. This is where families meet for a couple of hours, and the adults play with children just the way the children want to play. We do lots of Playlistening, where the children are in charge

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