A guest post from Sabina Veronelli
Do you sometimes feel like your child has suddenly become grumpy or distant, and you have no idea why?
When pre-schooler Charlie starts ignoring his friends one day at preschool and seems distracted at home, his mama wants to get to the heart of the matter.
Here, Hand in Hand parenting instructor Sabina shares how this mama used two tools to get closer to her son while he was upset.
Watch the video and find out:
- Why off-track behavior is a child’s cry for help
- How a takeaway dinner and a very special Special Time transformed things
- Why upset is a sign that a child is offloading hurt and frustrations
- How staying with a crying child is the most supportive thing a parent can do
Charlie’s mother set a warm limit and stayed firm when he wanted to eat only chocolate for dinner, and then stayed with him while his upset about her decision poured out.
Setting warm limits and Staylistening are two of Hand in Hand’s five listening tools. Learn more about them all in this free guide Five Revolutionary Ideas to Make Parenting Less Stressful.
Find out why Special Time restore’s a child’s confidence and sense of safety in A Powerful Way to Make Your Child Feel Loved.
Sabina Veronelli is an education specialist with a Degree in Pedagogy, and holds in-person parenting classes in Brisbane or globally online. Join her for her upcoming Starter Class and find out how to make connection your focus in parenting. You’ll learn how to really read your child’s behavior cues, build stronger bonds and how to apply connection tools to overcome many of your parenting challenges.
You can also connect Sabina on Facebook.