Category: Setting Limits

What if Consistency is not Vital?

Consistency is not vital Can you believe this?  This nugget of wisdom is perhaps the most important thing that I learned when I first came across Hand in Hand Parenting. So much of the advice

Why Tantrums Happen and How You Can Help…Part 1

How Is A Tantrum A Bid For Connection? The man at my parenting talk is exasperated by his two-year-old son’s behavior. “First, he wants a glass of milk,” he tells me. “I pour the glass

Poser les limites avec les jeunes enfants

Poser les limites avec les jeunes enfants

Un article traduit de l’anglais par Soizic Le Gouais et Chloé Saint Guilhem, formatrice certifiée Hand in Hand Quand les enfants sont stressés, ils perdent leur patience, leur goût du jeu, leur capacité à être

When a Child Prefers One Parent

It took months to organise, but today you escaped for lunch with two old friends and left your kids with your partner. Secretly, you couldn’t be happier. Your youngest is going through a phase that

Shows a child clinging to mom

How to Help a Clingy Child Play Independently

Your clingy child won’t play independently? In this post, you’ll learn how play therapists help increase kids capacity for play – and how you can too at home.   A parent I was working with once

Handling Halloween Howls Using the Hand in Hand Tools

This week: Handling Halloween Using the Hand in Hand Tools So, your kids are fighting over the Halloween candy stash, and their sugar highs (and begging for more) send your blood pressure soaring. Maybe you

How to Handle Your Child’s Negative Words

In this week’s podcast, we’re talking those times that kids’ words get negative.  You probably never imagined words like these erupting from your child’s mouth.  Dark. Venomous.  Hurtful words.  But here they are.  “I hate

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