Five Positive Things You Can Do To Promote Sharing On Playdates


Parenting can be all encompassing. It can seem to take us an age to figure out what we can accept and what our boundaries are at home, and then bam! We have to leave the house. What happens when your strategy for sharing between your siblings is working beautifully, but then you go to a friend’s house or on a playdate and the rules look nothing like your own?

The strategy that resonates with us around sharing works like this:

Child 1: “I want that toy.”

Parent: “Your sister is playing with it right now. It’ll be your turn when she’s done.”

Child 1: “But I want it now! That’s not fair.”

Parent: “I know. You want it now. She isn’t finished. I’m right here to help you wait.

At this point, Child 1 either moves onto something else, stays and cries with you, or the child with the toy decides she is done and offers it up.

Why This Simple Sharing Strategy Works:

This simple strategy works because it’s clear and it’s kind. The child playing with the desired toy gets to exercise their full attention and enthusiasm with that toy, until it no longer holds a fascination for them. The child waiting gets to unleash their full anger and outrage at having to wait, giving them a chance to unload any worries and stresses they have been holding. Their upset may have little to do with the toy.  They toy may be a pretext or an opportunity to let go of those worries.

For more on why children’s cries are useful in clearing blocked feelings read The Science Behind the Hand in Hand Tool of Staylistening.

If they are simply testing boundaries, probing what your policy on sharing is, you’ll likely see them get interested in another toy. Either way, both the children will be heard when you employ this approach to sharing.

Different Strokes: Switching the Rules

But this strategy does appear at odds in places where you hear these other policies:

“Let’s take it in turns. You’ll have two minutes, and then Child 1 will have two minutes.”

“You have this toy all the time. Child 1 is just visiting us. Let’s let them play with your toy for now and you can have it when they leave.”

“Oh! That’s a favorite toy. They don’t like to share that one.”

Or even,

“This toy belongs to the group. We all have to share.”

So, what can you do?

Here’s the thing. Most disputes about sharing are not about the toy!

Children often signal that their feelings are clouded and that they aren’t feeling their usual light, confident selves by looking for your attention and sibling disagreements and fights over toys are a handy option for children looking for reassurance and connection.

When we get to a playdate or playgroup, the expectation can be that there are children to play together, and plenty of toys to go around. We are probably eager to get to some grown-up chat, and a cup of coffee, and we’d like children to play nicely – at least most of the time!

But moving into different or unfamiliar surroundings can trigger a child’s feelings of unease and uncertainty, whether those feelings are directly related to the transition at hand, or from past times that have felt unsettling.

Snatching toys, hiding them, or refusing to share is a clear signal: “Help me here.” When they do this, children are showing you that they need your attention, your kindness and your wise, grown-up guidance (even though the behavior looks like just the opposite).

Five Positive Things You Can Do To Promote Sharing On Playdates

Playdates can be a strain for children, with changes in structure and changes the rules. Here are five ways you can promote a positive playdate experience.

1. Bump Up Connection Before You Leave

Earmark some time before you go out to connect and play together. Rough and tumble games when you give your child all the power work to keep your connection strong and your child’s trust in you high.

Try telling them you have 100 kisses for them, if only they will let you catch them, and then stumble and bounce off walls, missing them as they run past giggling. Challenge them to pull your socks off while you try to pull theirs off. Or play hide and seek and act continually surprised when they jump out on you.

Or give them some Special Time, and tell them you will do whatever they like or want to play for 5-10 minutes.  Let them lead this play, as you delight in them without any outside distractions.

Both of these Tools really give a child a good dose of closeness and connection before you leave. If they cry when you announce the end of the game or Special Time, listen to the upset as best you can, just as you do when they cry over the unfairness of a toy that is not free to be played with. You’ll get over the fuzz of emotions before you leave the house, and many times this will help your child feel more cooperative around other children

2. Explain Different Rules

On your way to the playdate, preparing a child for something new may be helpful. Tell them what to expect, and that the rules are a bit different than at home. Let them know that if a child asks for a toy, then you will help find another toy to play with.  Because you have filled their connection cup before leaving, they may be more able to think well and find another toy.

“If you are playing with another toy and a child wants it, I will help you give it to them and we’ll find you another.”

3. Connect With Other Kids First

Set a tone that feels more relaxed from the start by spending some time with the other children. You can sit and just enjoy a few moments watching their play, or try being a bit jokey and playfully asking for their help. Pick up a baby doll, and ask “Why doesn’t this dog bark?”

Or pretend to eat a piece of play food and find it disgusting. Ask them to make you something better. Maybe you’ll add, “But please not noodles, because I cannot stand noodles, ” and then act outraged as they bring you a plate of noodles.

4. Try Different Rules, But Expect Disagreements

If an altercation comes up and you hear, “That’s my car and I want it,” from a child, you can remind your child of the new rule, and see what happens.  Often times, because the disagreement is Not About The Toy, you will find yourself listening to some big feelings from your child – or someone else’s.  Offer your ears, your lap and your support: “I know it’s hard,” are good words.

Read: 20 Things to Say To Your Child Instead of Don’t Cry for other ideas.

5. Or Try Out Your Sharing Strategy

Many times when parents are busy enjoying some rare grown up talk, they are actually happy to see another parent take charge and relieve them, so you could try the “I’ll help you wait,” strategy with another child.

So you say calmly, “Kaylie, (or your child’s name) is having a turn now, you can have a turn when she is finished,” and give the child a big warm smile. You might pick up another toy and ponder it, almost as a play invitation to the other child.

If they start to cry, you can signal to the parent that you are ok to listen and comfort their child.  You are modelling your policy and why it works to the other parents. Sometimes there is no way to bridge a sharing strategy with another parent or a group. With these ideas you keep offering the support your child needs to work through their feelings, in the same kind, fair, listening style as the sharing policy you use at home.

Do any of the suggestions in this post feel like hot-button issues for you? Taking them to a Listening Partner before your next playdate will give you a chance to work through your own feelings and prepare to listen well. Find our more about how Listening Partnerships nurture us as parents in How Is Listening Time More Beneficial Than Talking with Mom Friends?

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