Category: Healthy Discipline and Setting Limits with Children

Why Your Child Acts up on Vacation

When a child displays off track and unreasonable behavior, they are often asking for us to bring a limit to help them stop. Bringing a limit to off track behavior can provide the emotional release children need and return them to their balanced, fun loving selves.

A Fun Way to Get Bedtime to Happen

Having a power struggle at bedtime is hard on everyone. By using Playlistening, my son could save face and get to practice having some power in the situation, which small children rarely do.

4 Reasons Punishment Is for the Birds

a guest post by Sarah MacLaughlin, LSW I have been in the field of education, child care, or social work for the past 20 years. I have spent my entire life working with young children

Using Play to End Sibling Rivalry

I could let my son continue to show me his impulse to interfere with his sister and I didn’t have to yell at him or tell him he was a “bad” kid. I knew there was nothing wrong with my son just because he wasn’t feeling connected and his impulse control was impaired. He needed connection first, before he could have good impulse control.

Is Your Toddler Too Angry to Sleep?

Is your toddler too angry to sleep? Read on to learn how to read the signs and get a solution.  By Lyra L’Estrange Does it ever seem like your toddler is just unsettled? Can’t be happy?

Set Limits Without Blame or Shame

I have thought a lot about what words I say to my two children when they are pushing boundaries and I need to set a limit. I have found the phrase, “I can’t let you

Setting Limits Allows Restful Sleep

I could tell my 6-year-old daughter had something on her mind. She had been talking about something that had troubled her at school, and while I had listened empathetically, it didn’t feel like she had

Setting Limits: Learning to Play With a Friend

When my son was around four, he had a hard time with playdates. He desperately wanted to play with other children, but these play times would quickly end in conflict. In particular, if a child

Setting Limits as a Family

I was just reflecting on how much progress my family has made with the listening tools. Yesterday, I was working late, and my au pair (from Mexico) was eating dinner with my children and getting

Setting Limits Uncovers School-Time Hurt

My five-year-old daughter and I had had a really fun evening together: a mommy-and-daughter dinner date at our favorite burger place, followed by frozen yogurt nearby. We talked a lot and were playful with one another throughout,

Setting Limits and Creating Connection Around Nap Time

I invited my kids to my room for a nap after lunch. I told them I would get their mattresses and place them by the side of our bed and we all would rest together. It sounds like a good idea, doesn’t it? But as you know by now, I don’t write fairy tales.

Loving the Candy (Setting Limits at Halloween)

My 7-year-old daughter, M, returned home from trick-or-treating this Halloween with a bag of candy that weighed at least 5 pounds. In past years, she would eat a few pieces of candy Halloween night, we would put the bag up away from the dogs, and then she could choose a piece each night after dinner. She would forget it was there after a couple of nights, and then we’d bring the rest into work for the office candy bowl. It didn’t quite work that way this year though.

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