Tag: Parenting by Connection

Why You Should Indulge Your Child’s Attention Seeking

One mainstream response to ”attention seeking behaviour” is to ignore the bad and praise the good. But this doesn’t address the underlying upset feelings that are always beneath our child’s off-track behaviour.

get kids out on time mom and child walking

15 Tips For Getting Out Of The House With Kids

I’d love to live in a world where my daughter could take her time, where I could just open the back door and she could run out and play with other children all day. Unfortunately our world is not that simple. Most of us out of necessity have to, at least some of the time, get our children out of the house. And we a have a time limit.

The Power of Spending Five Special Minutes with Your Child

Does your child resist trying new things or going places where he or she doesn’t really know what to expect? Here’s how you can boost your child’s confidence and sense of adventure when facing new situations.

Helping My Son Fit In with Friends

You can help your child prepare to be flexible and relaxed even in situations that have previously been uncomfortable or problematic.

5 Sleep Secrets Parents Need for Peaceful Nights

a guest post by Kate Orson Sleep advice for babies and toddlers usually comes in two forms. There is the strict ‘cry it out’ approach where we leave children alone till they learn we won’t

10 Tips For Being A Good Listener

When we were young there was little understanding of the importance of listening to children with warmth and patience, so our parents couldn’t give us a model of how to do this. Our unheard feelings from our own childhood get triggered in challenging moments with our children.

Monday Blues are Cured by Special Time

His fear is real. His tears are real. This is my son, trusting me, showing me how he feels. And I honor the chance that he offers me, that of being there for him. We’re together in this.

stop yelling at your kids mom stress

15 Tips To Stop Shouting at Your Children

  We’ve all been through it. That moment where you catch yourself saying things that you regret later. We all say things that don’t exactly sound like the loving, peaceful parent that we intend to

Dad Lets Go of Stress So Everyone Can Play

Sometimes all it takes to lift your partner’s spirits is to really focus on them and just listen. A few minutes turned this dad’s day into a playful connection with his kids.

How Children Heal Fear Through Play

Our parenting will never be perfect. Our children will inherit some hurts and fears from us. But play is a wonderful way children can make sense of their world, and tell stories. When we can play with them we can pick up on what makes them laugh, and help them release fear and upset.

Why I Was Losing Patience with Separation Anxiety

It is a work in progress, but I am sure that without having my safe place to offload, I would not be discovering I often already have the resources available to be the parent I want to be.

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