Child who is happy to practise

Got A Child Who Refuses To Practise? Try A Special Time Sandwich

Whether it’s music, homework, sports or another skill, when a child refuses to practise it can be frustrating. You want your child to progress and increase in confidence, as well as skill.

How can you help?

In this post, one instructor describes how her child went from plugging their ears whenever she suggested practising to happily asking to do more. It all started with a “Special Time Sandwich.” If you are tired of fighting about practising, give it a try.

Aider les enfants à vaincre leurs peurs

Un article traduit de l’anglais par Chloé Saint Guilhem, formatrice certifiée Hand in Hand Une enfant prend peur lorsque des circonstances qu’elle ne peut pas contrôler, ou des circonstances qu’elle ne comprend pas, perturbent son

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