Category: Parenting Tools

Why is my kid swearing?

Have you ever asked your child to do something simple, like pack their toys away before dinner? For a second they stare back and you wide-eyed, all chubby-cheeked cherubic sweetness. And then they scrunch those

Lying: Why Children Lie And Ways to Respond

Have you ever? Watched as your child did something and then immediately blame someone else? Heard, “I have no homework,” from your child and then discovered it stuffed at the bottom of her school bag?

An Entirely New Spin on Kids and Sharing

To share, or not to share, is that the question? So many parents in our parent groups and The Parent Club come to us with questions about sharing, it’s a subject that we knew we had

My Child Wants to Act Like a Baby (What Should I Do?)

  When he was four years old, mom Laura Minnigerode and her son Lucian set aside time to play each morning one on one, as a way to encourage connection. This devoted “Special Time” happened

How Do You Respond To Your Kid’s Questions?

Abigail responds to a mom who has difficulties answering her young daughter’s questions – most likely because it feels like answering will confirm her child’s worst suspicions! And Elle admits finding some of her kid’s

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