Category: Special Time

Special Time is Special

I have a short anecdote that really showed me how important Special Time is, no matter how humdrum it may seem from the outside from time to time. This summer we had planned a visit

How Special Time Can Keep Kids Honest

As I was making the food, she came and sat on the counter right next to me and said, “I’m such a bad girl. There you are doing all those nice things for me, and I always act terribly, not even thanking you, and lying to you all the time…”

Try A Weekend of Special Time To Help Problem Behavior

Often times my son will walk by his siblings and push them down or punch them on their backs or yell in their faces. If they are doing something that irritates him, he will get extremely close and ball up his fists and visibly shake with anger.

Starting Kindergarten

My five-year-old started kindergarten last week and he is almost finished with his second week.  It wasn’t an easy transition for him and here is how we supported him using Parenting by Connection tools. Through

How Does Connection Play Help with Homework?

Halfway through the first grade, my 7-year-old did not want to write or spell at home or school anymore. This was new for him. It seemed to me like the expectations for the first graders

Special Time Leads to Connection

I am absolutely amazed at the powerful effects that Special Time has on my relationship with my daughter, and also in helping her address things that are bothering her.

Tantrum Training Class Helps a Family

First I would like to thank for your support. I am so glad that I could attend the Tantrum Training seminar. I have a 2.5 year old son and a 16 month old daughter. As

Happy Hiking

A part of me just wanted to push through and get it over with, but then I thought maybe a little impromptu special time might shift the mood.

Special Time Helps with Teethbrushing

Whenever I caught a break from his rigorous brushing, I begged, “no more!” in vain. He would put more rigor into his brushing laughing and really enjoying this role reversal.

Emotional Project – Toilet Troubles

The next time I saw him on tippy toes, with a worried look on his face, I moved towards him and put my arms around him. I said “Hey mate, it looks like you need to do a poo. I’m going to help you”. That was all he needed to start crying – he fought hard against me as he cried, “No, No, NO! I don’t want to.”

Helping a 10-Year Old Give Up Thumb-Sucking

I spent some “Special Time” with her, playing until we felt like we knew each other. Eventually, she told me that she wanted to stop sucking her thumb. I said that I would stay with her while she tried to think about taking her thumb out of her mouth, but that I wasn’t going to make her take it out.

Siblings Give Each Other Special Time

After I had my daughter I didn’t know whether I wanted to have a second child. I didn’t really understand the benefits of having a sibling.

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