Tag: Staylistening

Why Responding With Calm Helps An Upset Child

When my daughter was five and a half, we decided to take our craft project outside on a gorgeous afternoon. As soon as she sat down, a big black spider jumped on her arm and bit her. She screamed in pain and ran back inside. I followed her and saw her arm was getting swollen.

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One Way To Stay Connected As Your Kids Get Older

  How can you keep connected to your children as they get older? In this video, Roma talks about the value of listening to your tween and teen when they offload, and why this one transformational tool is so wonderful for keeping children close as they get older and begin to move away from the

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Why Our Children Just Want To Be Heard

Sometimes the things that affect our children are not things that would upset us. In our bids to offer solutions, however well-meaning, we often forget to stop and listen. Yet one of the best solutions we can offer is space. Listening to children vent their feelings of wrongdoing or injustice can be all they need

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Understanding Why Tantrums Happen and How to Support Them

  A Guest Post with Roma Norriss Tantrums are an inevitable element of childhood. No matter what we do, beginning at around age two, big upsets and crying always appear. It can be as late as six before we see them stop, although many parents see big cries from much older children too – something

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Respond To Children’s Hurts In A Way That Builds Confidence

How can you respond to a hurt child calmly, when you feel panicked yourself?  Instructor Emilie Leeks discovers it takes some practice, but the results are easy to see.  “We’d only just left for the shops when our 3-year-old slipped off their scooter. It was quite a tumble, and they were clutching at their legs

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Why Does My Child Always Want Mom?

Our son is nearly three years old. He still goes through some separation anxiety when he’s without his mom. We usually put him to bed together, but the other night, my wife needed a break. So our routine began. I read him a book, tucked him in and said goodnight. The minute the lights went

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9 Steps to Beat Boredom With Connection: Infographic

What happens to you when your child announces “I’m bored?” Despite research telling us that boredom is actually good for children – it can help foster creativity and independence – most of us try to rush into a solution when we hear those words. Boredom can happen when children become disengaged. Perhaps they are used to

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Why Crying Helps Calm Fearful Children

  A guest post by Laura Minnigerode Children’s brains are wired to connect with caregivers. And if they cry it means they feel especially safe and secure. Since a child’s limbic system works brilliantly to protect them, they will often find a pretext to offload stress, whether that’s a small bump which causes a big

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How to Confront Separation Anxiety Supportively

Every Monday morning, just as soon as he wakes up, my son remembers that he’s supposed to go to the kindergarten and starts protesting: “I don’t like it, mommy and I don’t want to go; please let me stay home”. I listen to him every time, I hold him gently and then I say my “no”. He

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Why Kids Throw Big Tantrums Over Small Things

Have you ever got home from a really crap day where EVERYTHING went wrong? You see that your darling partner has accidentally left the milk out of the fridge and you just LOSE it, ranting and screaming. Seemingly this is over the milk being left out… Has your child ever “flipped their lid” because you

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How Listening to My Angry Son Helped Us Connect

I have been trying to figure out respectful and efficient ways of supporting my six years old unload his negative emotions for a few years. It’s been very hard, even more, because there is no such struggle for me with my two other kids. He is my eldest son and he has a lot of pent-up,

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How Staylistening at Drop-Off Can Relieve Separation Anxiety

Since he started kindergarten, my middle son has occasionally cried, clung to me and asked me not to leave. His separation anxiety would last for two or three days in a row and I felt quite sad about it and helpless about supporting him. All I could think to do was to extract myself with as

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