Tag: Stress

Help kids cope with stress and build resilience

Helping Kids Face Stress and Build Resilience

Sometimes the things our children experience can feel really life or death for them, and their upset can trigger us. We might immediately move into fix the situation, to ease their stress and make things

A Game to Help Children with Shyness in Groups

Hi Patty, Group settings, especially large group settings, are very difficult for my daughter. I see a little girl who has some real fears of these situations, and it really hurts to see others judging

Repairing a Relationship After Yelling

When his Dad came home from work he gently said, “If you are going to shout could you tell me first and I’ll go and get the box and you can shout into that instead.” I thought his was wonderful! He was confident and thinking well enough to do something to try and help his Dad to stop shouting.

Listening through a Homework Challenge

My daughter was given a month to learn all the states and their capitals. She’s in fifth grade. About two weeks before the due date, she had learned some states, but not many, and I

“I Need the Rescue Squad!”

I was in a listening session with my phone group, and I just broke down with a feeling of being totally overwhelmed by all I have taken on in my life. Day job, launching a

Listening Helps my Daughter

She started to cry on and off, and I tried to remember if anything had happened that might have upset her.

Carpool Playlistening

Parents got together and came up with a carpool arrangement, then invited one of the Hand in Hand trainers for an education night to learn about Parenting by Connection tools. Some families started doing Special Time and Staylistening at home.

Listening Partnerships

I have found it is a great benefit to have a phone listening time right after the children have gone to sleep. This is the worst time of my “bad days” when I am exhausted, tight and furious.

Setting Limits with a Pre-Teen

My wife and I also had to process our feelings: it didn’t feel good to hear how painful it was for us to limit her social life in this way. She felt badly, we felt badly.

Recording our Success Stories

Take some time to write down your success stories and when you’re having a rough day pull them out and remember what a good parent you are.

Emotional Project – Toilet Troubles

The next time I saw him on tippy toes, with a worried look on his face, I moved towards him and put my arms around him. I said “Hey mate, it looks like you need to do a poo. I’m going to help you”. That was all he needed to start crying – he fought hard against me as he cried, “No, No, NO! I don’t want to.”

Helping a 10-Year Old Give Up Thumb-Sucking

I spent some “Special Time” with her, playing until we felt like we knew each other. Eventually, she told me that she wanted to stop sucking her thumb. I said that I would stay with her while she tried to think about taking her thumb out of her mouth, but that I wasn’t going to make her take it out.

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