Category: Aggression

When Another Child Hurts Your Child

It’s not helpful for children, or for us, to be taught that others are bad. It disempowers us. If others are “bad,” then they have a condition we can’t help them with. We have to defend ourselves against a force that we can’t see or influence. This view is far more empowering: it is hurt people who hurt people.

Playing Away My Son’s Aggressive Behaviour

I had to keep a very close watch on my son, and be able to move in fast to protect myself or my daughter when he decided to have a swipe! But as the time went on, these incidents were fewer, and he was laughing more, and including his sister more in the games we were playing. I could sense we were all feeling very close.

Kissing All the Yucky Stuff Out – a Playful Way to Stop the Hitting!

My four-year-old son, feeling disconnected from me, hit his little sister over the head quite hard. I couldn’t get there in time to physically stop him, and my daughter ran to me screaming. While I held her, I looked over to my son, sitting by himself looking so hurt, guilty, and upset too.

Mothers and Sons: |aggression and Power

Learn how and why to join this free parenting call coming up on February 2nd where we’ll explore the power dynamics of the mother-son relationship. Join us! …

Set Limits Without Blame or Shame

I have thought a lot about what words I say to my two children when they are pushing boundaries and I need to set a limit. I have found the phrase, “I can’t let you

How to stop yelling and start connecting with your child

From Yelling to Connecting, Thanks to My Listening Partnership

I had never yelled at my son, aged five, until recently when he started yelling at me. The first time he did it, I was immediately triggered. I don’t remember what I’d said, but he responded with a loud, angry, “ALL RIGHT, FINE!!!”



Why Does My Child Hurt Others?

Listen to this free presentation to learn the causes of your child’s aggressive impulses and understand what is happening for them when the impulse to hurt others takes over. Join Certified Parenting by Connection instructors

How To Stop Bullying Before It Starts

Parents of elementary-school-aged children, join Amy MacClain, Soul Shoppe Bullying Prevention facilitator, and Patty Wipfler, Founder of Hand in Hand Parenting, for a practical discussion of what bullying is (and isn’t), why young people act


Stopping Sibling Rivalry

A playful way to resolve sibling conflict can go a long way toward a happy, cooperative family life.

My Journey to Parenting by Connection

I’m the mom of a young son, who has been my greatest teacher in life and has guided me to my deepest passion, parenting! My work in Theater from the time I was a little

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