Tag: Special Time

Connecting When the Door Is Closed

I quickly grabbed a small notebook and pen, scribbled, “Dear Owen, I love you, Love Mommy” on a sheet of paper, and shoved it under the door.

Emotional Project – Toilet Troubles

The next time I saw him on tippy toes, with a worried look on his face, I moved towards him and put my arms around him. I said “Hey mate, it looks like you need to do a poo. I’m going to help you”. That was all he needed to start crying – he fought hard against me as he cried, “No, No, NO! I don’t want to.”

Helping a 10-Year Old Give Up Thumb-Sucking

I spent some “Special Time” with her, playing until we felt like we knew each other. Eventually, she told me that she wanted to stop sucking her thumb. I said that I would stay with her while she tried to think about taking her thumb out of her mouth, but that I wasn’t going to make her take it out.

Siblings Give Each Other Special Time

After I had my daughter I didn’t know whether I wanted to have a second child. I didn’t really understand the benefits of having a sibling.

A Teacher Reaches Out

I just told them both that I was there for them and that it was okay to cry.

Throwing Food, Not Tantrums

After dinner, I remembered the Hand in Hand idea of allowing “taboo” things during Special Time.

Special Time Before Homework

I was very proud of her transition, and I felt like Special Time had really smoothed things in a way that made us both very pleased.

The Healing Power of Parenting

Why was I plagued by thoughts of my less-than-ideal childhood when I should be enjoying my daughter’s happy one?

Silent Presence

I decided to not have any further agenda of my own and sat beside him, fully attentive, until time was up.

Special Time Changes Our Mornings

It hadn’t occurred to me that such a small amount of time would be useful for my child, but it certainly seemed worth a try.

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