When Your Kids Will Do Anything to Get Attention

In many, if not most, families one child becomes a squeaky wheel. The child insists on being the focus of attention, and ensures his or her position with behavior designed to bring a parent’s attention

Guérir de l’anxiété de séparation

Un article traduit de l’anglais par Soizic Le Gouais et Chloé Saint Guilhem formatrice certifiée Hand in Hand Les enfants s’épanouissent grâce au lien qui les unit à leurs parents Leur besoin de lien est

happy holiday with kids

Setting Limits On Holidays – Part 3: Stepping In

In this series we’ve been exploring how to set holidays up for the fun and relaxation time you all deserve.  In Part 1, we saw how kids can go from playing nicely one minute, to

two happy kids on holiday

Making A Connection Plan For Happier Holidays

In Part 1, Setting A Connection Plan In Place For The Holidays we looked at a family on holiday. Three siblings were happily playing, until suddenly, without much warning, the bigger child pushed a younger

set a holiday connection plan with kids for happy holidays

Setting A Connection Plan In Place For The Holidays

Family holidays can be a special challenge for us parents. It’s good to spend time together. But often getting to the holiday destination can be stressful, and by definition, everyone is tired and worn out

Staylistening to my Son on Mother’s Day

It was Mother’s Day and my kids were waking up at my house, where I live with my second wife and her daughter. My ex-wife and I share custody, and the kids go back and

When children lie

Lorsque les enfants mentent

Un réponse de Patty Wipfler à une maman, traduite de l’anglais par Chloé Saint Guilhem, formatrice certifiée Hand in Hand   Q. Comment devais-je m’y prendre avec mon enfant de 5 ans qui ment ?

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