Category: Other Topics

Momento Especial e o Medo do Cabra Cabrês

(Para ler esse texto em inglês  acesse os textos do Filhas e Filhos no site do Hand in Hand Parenting) Acabei de usar uma técnica do Hand in Hand Parenting, chamada Momento Especial (Special Time). A

Uma Prática Para Melhorar a Conexão Com Seus Filhos

Uma das práticas que eu aprendi com a Paty Wipfler, fundadora do Hand in Hand Parenting, chama-se “Momento Especial”.  É um tempo, 5, 10, 15, 30 minutos, no qual você se dedica exclusivamente a estar

Sarbatorile si pierderea cumpatului

Sarbatorile si pierderea cumpatului vin impreuna si se potrivesc precum untul de arahide si jeleul. Copilul tau se va confrunta cu niste sentimente puternice cand urmeaza un eveniment important, cum ar fi o zi de

Tații sunt tot părinți

Copiii își iubesc tații! Copiii voștri adoră să vă audă vocea, să vă vadă intrând pe ușă, să stea lângă voi la masă și să se joace cu voi cât mai mult posibil. Un tată

El Papel del Miedo en Nuestra Vida

El miedo es esencial y está en nuestra vida para protegernos. Tan sólo pensemos en los maravillosos mecanismos de nuestro cuerpo para detectar el peligro, reaccionar ante él de manera instantánea y ponernos a salvo.

How Connection Helps Your Children Face Fear

The Role of Fear in our Lives Fear is in our lives to protect us. It is a natural part of our human condition and our bodies are exquisitely built to detect threats and to

Deux moyens pour stopper notre “spirale infernale” quand on est un parent à bout

Les sentiments intenses des parents pour leurs enfants, la routine de la vie quotidienne, les liens affectifs et la pression de la société sont autant de facteurs qui contribuent à ce tourbillon d'émotions, dit-elle. "Être parent est un travail émotionnel parce que nous aimons tellement nos enfants", a déclaré Patty. "La plupart des parents n'ont jamais ressenti cette intensité d'amour avant leur premier enfant. Ils feraient n'importe quoi pour eux. Et cela peut être accablant."

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Back to School and Ready to Learn! Replay

Join Certified Hand in Hand Instructors and teachers, Michelle Carlson and Keiko Sato-Perry, in this free call for parents. Whether your child is starting school for the first time, or just beginning a new school

Special Time: Filling Your Child’s Connection Cup Replay

Join certified instructors Rachel Schofield and Stephanie Parker to learn how special time works and how they’ve used it in their families to transform many difficult situations and build stronger connections with their children. On

How to Boost the Mental Health of Children

By Rachel Schofield A stunning 80% of adults feel like their parents didn’t really love them as a kid (1). This creates a drain on the mental health of children. Of course, we all love

How Children Heal Fear Through Play

Our parenting will never be perfect. Our children will inherit some hurts and fears from us. But play is a wonderful way children can make sense of their world, and tell stories. When we can play with them we can pick up on what makes them laugh, and help them release fear and upset.

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